The Rules
Please take a few minutes to read the rules. These are here for your benefit. We want this forum to be a friendly place that all Nintendo fans of any age can enjoy and you should keep this in mind when you are posting.
A breach of the following rules will lead to:
First Offence - Caution
Second Offence - Warning
Third Offence - Suspension*
Fourth Offence - Ban
* Suspension lengths vary depending on the severity of the offence. The usual suspension length is two week but a major offence will result in a month suspension.
We will not tolerateAny sort of bullying.
Explicit material.
Links to explicit material.
Abusing a Moderator or Admin.
Excessive Spamming.
We'd rather you didn'tSpam.
Double post.
Deliberately start arguements.
Repeat existing topics.
Have more than one account.